Friday, January 27, 2012

Running for Heather

My time in Iraq was depressing, exciting, and brutal, sometimes all in the same day.  Doc Lowry (first name Nick) was our squad corpsman and he cared for my mental health as well as my physical health by being my closest friend in Iraq (Read more here).  I hadn't spoken with Nick since 2004 until I found him on Facebook last year; he and his wife Nicki live in Texas and both are active among veterans and their families in their area, including one of Nicki's projects, Warrior Wives of Warriors Weekend.  Though we have never met her, Nicki has been diligent to spread the word to pray for Heather's condition .  I received a great message from her today- her group from the Warrior Wives have signed up to participate in the Texas Coast Tough Mudder event.  These events are built upon the principles of mental endurance, teamwork, and perseverance.  Kinda reminds me of the Marines.  Anyway, Nicki told me that her team is going to be wearing white ribbons, symbolizing hope, to honor Heather and her battle with cancer.  It was very touching and humbling to realize complete strangers care about a stranger in need- I wish I had a 1/4th of that compassion.  Go get 'em Nicki, Semper Fi!


  1. That's so awesome!! Thanks for sharing. I just pray for you guys while I run during the week... does that count? <3
