Saturday, February 25, 2012

Port Prayers part II

Heather had surgery on her chemo port this past Thursday to correct a kink in the line that was inhibiting the chemo injections to the point that the CTC staff were not comfortable using it.  We went to Dr. Montano's office on Wednesday and Heather told him (direct quote) "This thing has been in for 6 weeks, I want it fixed or I want it taken out".  Non-plussed, Dr. Montano said that the swelling should have receded to the point that surgery to fix it would be an option.  I love watching Heather when she speaks the straight truth, it's like I get to vicariously be a no-nonsense "give it to me straight" kind of person without actually having to be so outspoken.  Surgery went well, though unfortunately she is now really sore from it.  Prayers for a quick recovery and that the port will finally work.


  1. Praying that it really is fixed and that it really does work now. She will find it such a blessing if it is. Keep your chins up (that way your faces will be toward heaven, and the only Source that understands and can "fix" what is broken. We love and care about you all.

  2. Ha! Even medical doctors can use the straight truth every now and then. Prayers that is works this time. It is great Heather's mom can come help. I hope you get what you need to get everyone comfortable. Wish I could be there to help. If there is anything we can do from afar, just ask! Pace yourselves and we pray for you to have strength every day.
