Friday, June 7, 2013

The Plot Thickens...

The past few months have been a whirlwind of doctors appointments, unscheduled visits to the ER, and several more surgeries (11 total since Heather was diagnosed).  She completed her radiation treatment earlier this year, and attempted to reconstruct from her bilateral mastectomy, but her body did NOT like the hardware.
  It has been difficult to maintain this blog due to several factors- my inability (or unwillingness) to tap into the perspective it takes for me to write posts of substance, the general length of posts as opposed to Facebook, which I can shoot off much quicker, and my full-time work and school schedule. 
Now that it is summer, and things have changed yet again, though not for the better, I find myself revisiting this blog again.  I figure I can keep it up until Heather or I go on to glory, which I pray is many years from now.
If you haven't heard, Heather was diagnosed with Stage 4 breast cancer as of last month when they found and biopsied four large tumors on her liver.  She was initially admitted for an infection and ended up with renal failure, which led to a CT scan, where they inadvertently found the tumors.  Surprise!!!  Heather's doctor told us that it was likely she was already a Stage 4 patient when she was first diagnosed in January 2013, they just couldn't do the necessary scans to find out until April, as she was pregnant with Josh at the time.  Regardless, Josh is such a happy and healthy baby, we love him so much! 
Blessings to all,

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